Our Blog

  • Sno-Isle TECH Lab Tour

    Sno-Isle TECH Lab Tour

    As part of the Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center Manufacturing and Aerospace Program Advisory Committee, Center of Excellence staff joined industry representatives from SEA-LECT Plastics, Tool Gauge, and ATS to hear from instructors about programs, share what’s new in industry, and talk through industry partner needs. As part of the meeting, the group toured Sno-Isle’s aerospace…

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  • Building A Careers Chart for Manufacturing

    Building A Careers Chart for Manufacturing

    Today we present the first draft of our Manufacturing Careers Chart. The chart, available above and in PDF, provides young people and career seekers with the most important answers about manufacturing: What are the jobs? What’s the pay? How much education do I need? With data provided by Chmura Economics & Analytics, our Manufacturing Careers…

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  • SB 5721 Goes Before Senate Committee on Higher Education And Workforce on Wednesday

    SB 5721 Goes Before Senate Committee on Higher Education And Workforce on Wednesday

    Senate Bill 5721 is scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday. The bill authorizes a business and occupation tax credit to incentivize private sector investment in advanced aerospace manufacturing training and education. The bill goes before the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development committee on Wednesday the 15th at 8 a.m. Partners of the Center…

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  • What We’re Reading

    What We’re Reading

    The world just doesn’t have enough planes as travel roars back As travel springs back and China begins dismantling the last remaining Covid-19 curbs, one stark truth is beginning to emerge – the world is running desperately short of planes. Do robots mean the death of the middle manager? As companies introduce robotics into their…

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  • PNAA Day 2: Strategies for Success – Navigating the Ramp Up

    PNAA Day 2: Strategies for Success – Navigating the Ramp Up

    Hosted by Phontel Shami of Blue Origin, panelists from Valence Surface Technologies, Tool Gauge and Orion Industries reflected on how they managed through COVID, what culture means to them and what the future looks like for their companies. Ms. Shami was joined by Chris Celtruda of Valence, Debbie Lee of Tool Gauge, and Jerry Chase…

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  • PNAA Advance Day One Highlight: Graham Warwick of Aviation Week

    PNAA Advance Day One Highlight: Graham Warwick of Aviation Week

    Graham Warwick, Executive Editor of Aviation Week, presented “Looking to the Future: New Advancements.” His presentation was a highlight on day one of PNAA Advance. Warwick led with Advanced Air Mobility, showing renderings of electric vertical take-off and landing copters and other small helicopter-like vehicles. While service is expected to begin at the 2024 Summer…

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  • Transatlantic Aviation Breakfast 2023 Kicks off Busy PNAA Advance Week

    Transatlantic Aviation Breakfast 2023 Kicks off Busy PNAA Advance Week

    This morning saw representatives of German government and industry present to a packed conference room at the Lynnwood Embassy Suites, with the theme of fostering innovation and sustainability between Germany and the U.S. in the civil aviation industry. After a welcome and intro from Uli Fischer, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Daniel…

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  • Three More Bills We’re Tracking in the Washington State Legislature

    Three More Bills We’re Tracking in the Washington State Legislature

    Last week we reviewed three bills making their way through the current legislative session, including proposals to build Commerce’s aviation advisory and OSPI apprenticeship pilot programs. This week we’re focusing on Career Connect Washington, apprenticeship unemployment claims, and dual credit. Senate Bill 5305 has been referred to Ways & Means This bill would create the…

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  • Breaking Down Our New Logo

    Breaking Down Our New Logo

    Last month the Center of Excellence debuted a new brand and a new logo. With refreshed colors and a renewed focus on aerospace and advanced manufacturing, the brand and logo encapsulate the vision and purpose of the Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing. In an effort to share more on what lies behind…

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  • New Grant Opportunities From the National Science Foundation

    New Grant Opportunities From the National Science Foundation

    Back in October, Center of Excellence Director Jason Petrait visited Washington D.C. to attend the National Science Foundation’s annual NSF ATE Principal Investigator Conference. While there, he heard from NSF leadership that they expected funding increases and new opportunities in STEM fields for community colleges and other community-based institutions. These meet that expectation and show…

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  • Transatlantic Aviation Breakfast 2023

    Transatlantic Aviation Breakfast 2023

    Join us for an exciting half-day conference where we will discuss future solutions in the civil aviation industry. Together with German and American experts, new tech founders, and government representatives we will exchange ideas, discuss new developments, and lay the groundwork for future cooperation. Key questions to be answered: What are the most promising trends…

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  • Three Bills We’re Tracking in the 2023 Washington State Legislature

    Three Bills We’re Tracking in the 2023 Washington State Legislature

    The new legislative session opened Monday, March 9th, and throughout this full session we’ll see a wide variety of bills meant to grow industry in Washington and provide trade education to Washington youth and adults. The Center of Excellence will track those bills in regular blog posts here. Earlier this week COE Executive Director Jason…

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