Our Blog
Career Launch Capital Equipment Funding Available
Offered through the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, funding is available for the purchase and installation of capital equipment (per unit cost of $5,000+) that supports student learning within eligible Career Launch endorsed programs and WA registered apprenticeship programs partnering with the Washington Community and Technical College System. Career Launch Capital Equipment Funding…
New Manufacturing BAS Starts at Edmonds College This Fall
This fall Edmonds College will offer its newest Bachelor of Applied Science degree. Starting in September, students at Edmonds College can earn their Bachelor of Applied Science in Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Technology (AMMET). As Department Head Ross Monroe shared, there is a need from industry and interest from students. We wanted to offer…
Developing a Curriculum for Avionics Technicians
Training programs need employer input. As industry changes and new technologies emerge, education needs to keep up, with curriculum that reflects industry needs and expectations. But how to stay current? A formal process named DACUM (Developing a Curriculum), pioneered by Ohio State University, prepares trained practitioners to conduct a job analysis with industry partners providing…
AWB’s Workforce Summit Is Next Week
“Workforce is the most pressing issue facing employers,” says the Association of Washington Business Institute. Their workforce summit, in partnership with Career Connect Washington and the Aerospace Futures Alliance, will tackle workforce issues Tuesday, June 28th at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. Join industry and workforce professionals, including Center of Excellence staff, for a…
Paine Field Master Plan Enters Phase II
Snohomish County is developing a Master Plan to guide future development at Paine Field over the next 20 years. A webinar is set for Thursday, June 16th, where you can hear more and ask the project team questions. Paine Field has seen exceptional growth in recent decades, culminating with the opening of the Paine Field passenger terminal in 2019. Since then, County and airport officials have engaged…
Private Pilot Ground School
Earn 5 college credits in just three weeks at The Museum of Flight! Private Pilot Ground School (PPGS) is a unique course that provides the opportunity for rising 9th-12th grade students* to explore the world of aviation while creating a base of aeronautical knowledge that pilots need to successfully pass the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)…
Industry Spotlight: Clean Earth Rovers
Last month the Cascade chapter of the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) held its spring symposium in Walla Walla. Among the leaders and innovators presenting, Michael Arens’ Clean Earth Rovers stood out. Arens, the founder, CEO and a recent college graduate, highlighted his startup’s development of autonomous technologies that clean fragile marine ecosystems of plastic pollutants. In…
Skookum Aerospace Manufacturing Open House
On Wednesday, May 11th Skookum Aerospace Manufacturing opened its doors to partner organizations to meet the team and learn more about Skookum’s work. Partners toured the facility, asked questions and had a chance to see how Skookum Aerospace operates. Center of Excellence staff made the trek down to Kent to tour Skookum’s clean, bright and…
AMTEC Career and Hiring Festival
Everett Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Center (AMTEC) hosted its first in-person event in more than two years on May 24th, a successful hiring event that included twenty local employers, all actively hiring. The skills taught at AMTEC are in demand, with employers hiring students on the spot from mechatronics, composites, precision machining,…
PNAA’S Women in Aerospace Conference Goes Beyond All Limits
With the theme of “Beyond All Limits” and a focus on leadership, empowerment and education, the Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance brought together more than 200 women and men in person for the first time in two years. The daylong conference hosted dynamic speakers, engagement opportunities, an award ceremony and more. Starting the day attendees checked…
EPIC STEM Challenge
We wanted to provide a low-cost way for kids to experience aerospace. Our mission is to get kids excited and engaged. -Lane Slagle, Founder and Director of Starfish Education That engagement takes the form of the Electric Propulsion Innovation Challenge (EPIC). Now in its 7th year, the annual game teaches kids key aerospace concepts, allows…
Happy AMT Day – May 24th
The Center of Excellence will celebrate the accomplishments and importance of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians on May 24th, a day of recognition for this critical occupation. The date May 24th was selected to honor the birthdate of Charles Edward Taylor, the man who built the engine used to power the airplane of the Wright Brothers. A…