What We’re Reading

The world just doesn’t have enough planes as travel roars back

As travel springs back and China begins dismantling the last remaining Covid-19 curbs, one stark truth is beginning to emerge – the world is running desperately short of planes.

Do robots mean the death of the middle manager?

As companies introduce robotics into their manufacturing processes, the total headcount initially rises and then drops again to the same level as at the time of the introduction of robots.

The missing workers who are never coming back

When considering the state of the U.S. workplace, it’s worth remembering that many Americans lost colleagues, friends and loved ones over the past few years. It’s a toll that will take many years to understand and lifetimes to grieve.

Return to the Early Days of Aviation in This Excerpt From John Lancaster’s “The Great Air Race”

As airplanes flew higher and over longer distances, pilots recognized the need for forecasts tailored to the unique challenges of traveling through the atmosphere. Where could they expect clouds, and at what altitude? What about headwinds? Ice?

ISM Manufacturing index Declined to 47.4% in January

Economic activity in the manufacturing sector contracted in January for the third consecutive month following a 28-month period of growth, say the nation’s supply executives.

Aerospace Competitive Economics Study

For the third time, the 2022 Aerospace Competetive Economics Study finds that the State of Washington is the most competetive business environment for the manufacturing of major aerospace structures and for the final assembly of aircraft.