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  • NSF Keynote Spotlight: Allyson Knox, Microsoft

    NSF Keynote Spotlight: Allyson Knox, Microsoft

    Friday’s Advanced Technical Education conference kicked off with a keynote from Allyson Knox, Senior Director of Education Policy and Programs for Microsoft. Knox focused on a new federal bill introduced last month that will build cybersecurity training at community colleges. Knox led off by complimenting the work of NSF grantees. In D.C. we talk about…

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  • NSF Day 1 Spotlight: GeoTEd-UAS

    Day one of the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technical Education conference spanned technical education disciplines, including IT, biological technologies and agriculture, with Center Executive Director Jason Petrait attending advanced manufacturing presentations as part of the Building Equity for Aerospace Training grant. One poster session from Virginia was especially helpful, providing insight that could grow Washington…

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  • Machinists Institute Announces Child Care Center Consultation RFQ

    Machinists Institute Announces Child Care Center Consultation RFQ

    The Machinists Institute has announced a new RFQ for child care pre-design consultation services due December 6th. From their project overview: The Machinists Institute commits to being a part of the solution for the child care crisis the workforce is facing. Following what we learned through an industry trades report, Our Biggest Hurdle, we have…

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  • Building Equity for Aerospace Training

    Building Equity for Aerospace Training

    Earlier this year, Center of Excellence Executive Director Jason Petrait was asked by Everett Community College (EvCC) to lead a grant awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Building Equity for Aerospace Training. The $412,000 grant, a partnership with industry and three local school districts, is working to increase the number of women entering the…

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  • NCWE Day 2 Highlight: Washington’s Centers of Excellence

    NCWE Day 2 Highlight: Washington’s Centers of Excellence

    Day two at NCWE brought another outstanding panel session, this one hosted by Washington’s State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and showcasing Washington State’s Centers of Excellence (COEs) in Information & Computing Technology, Allied Health, Construction and Marine Manufacturing & Technology on the Centers’ models of employer engagement. “The Centers of Excellence represent key…

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  • National Council for Workforce Education Conference Day 1

    National Council for Workforce Education Conference Day 1

    NCWE is back in person, with more than 400 attendees on hand today and tomorrow in Portland, Oregon, to attend the annual conference titled ‘Building Bridges & Expanding Opportunities’. With full plenaries and dozens of sessions, attendees have the opportunity to learn from and engage with workforce professionals from across the country. One highlight of…

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  • Manufacturing Day Tour Highlights Spokane Industry

    Manufacturing Day Tour Highlights Spokane Industry

    On Friday, October 7th, the Center of Excellence celebrated Manufacturing Day by hosting a tour for Spokane-area high school students. In partnership with the Inland Northwest Aerospace Consortium and the Spokane Valley Chamber, more than 25 area juniors and seniors visited Acme Manufacturing, Altek and Wagstaff. With a rented bus and a videographer in tow,…

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  • Manufacturing Day is this Friday!

    Manufacturing Day is this Friday!

    This Friday, October 7th marks Manufacturing Day, with events taking place throughout the week. The rundown: On Friday, The Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Spokane Valley Tech, INWAC and the Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, will host a manufacturing tour for local high school students. The tour will…

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  • DOL Rescinds Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships

    DOL Rescinds Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships

    On Friday, the United States Department of Labor issued a final rule rescinding Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships (IRAPs) while refocusing on the existing registered apprenticeship system. IRAPs, a Trump Administration initiative that never got off the ground, were determined by the department to be a “duplicative, lower quality system that was not in the best interest of…

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  • ATEC Fly-In Day 2

    ATEC Fly-In Day 2

    On day two, attendees headed to the hill, meeting with legislators and aides across both parties and chambers. Read day one’s report here. Center of Excellence Executive Director Jason Petrait joined Washington State’s delegation and visited Senator Patty Murray’s office to speak with staffers, highlighting the intense industry need for aviation technicians. The team shared…

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  • ATEC Fly-In Day 1

    ATEC Fly-In Day 1

    The Aviation Technician Education Council (ATEC) kicked off its annual Washington D.C. Fly-In with a full schedule of conference sessions, updating attendees on initiatives and legislative priorities, all in preparation for heading to Capitol Hill to meet legislators and aides on day two. Aircraft maintenance and workforce leaders, including Center of Excellence Executive Director Jason…

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  • Annual Women in Aviation International Scholarships Are Live!

    Annual Women in Aviation International Scholarships Are Live!

    Each year, Women in Aviation International (WAI) awards hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to its members to help them kickstart or advance their careers in aviation and aerospace. As a nonprofit organization, WAI is dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of women in all aviation and aerospace career fields and interests. Last year…

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