Everett President Dr. Darrell Cain Congratulates Aviation Graduates

Earlier this month, Everett Community College Interim President Dr. Darrell Cain visited the college’s aviation program to personally congratulate students in the day and swing Aircraft Maintenance Technician cohorts on their impending graduation.

Over the course of an afternoon, Dr. Cain met with faculty, toured Everett’s facilities on Paine Field and climbed aboard the college’s 727 to see where students learn.

Dr. Cain congratulated graduates on their hard work and dedication, noting that they attended 8 quarters in a row, online and in-person, during a difficult couple of years. He also asked them to be emissaries for Everett Community College, spreading the word about the quality programs and the good jobs that come from Everett’s programs. Many graduates reported that with just a few weeks until graduation, they had already secured good full-time jobs.

“When you leave, we want to keep hearing from you,” Dr. Cain said. “If there was something we didn’t cover or could have taught more of, we want to know. That’s what makes us better.” In the spirit of continuous improvement and meeting the needs of industry, Dr. Cain wished the graduates well in their future endeavors.