USDOL Announces Round 4 Of Strengthening Community Colleges Grants

Last week the US Department of Labor announced funding for round four of Strengthening Community Colleges, providing funding to enable community colleges to deliver equitable education and training.

With $65 million in funding available and administered by DOL’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA), the grants will enhance career pathway programs using strategies rooted in evidence.

The funding availability announced today will help community colleges provide the education and training students need to have equitable opportunities to secure family-sustaining jobs and will address the talent needs in regional labor markets said Acting Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Brent Parton in a news release.

ETA expects to award 17 grants in total, with up to $1.75 million available for single institutions and up to $5.75 million available for consortium applicants. Applications are due November 14th.

View the grant opportunity and download related documents at