Chelsea Mason-Placek, Workforce Development Director for the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, has been elected to chair the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. The nine-member, governor-appointed State Board oversees Washington’s community and technical college system.
No matter how old you are, where you’re from, or what your past experience has been, you can find an educational home at one of our open door colleges, said Mason-Placek in a recent news release.

Mason-Placek’s connection to aerospace workforce issues has been central to her career, with former roles at IAM 751 and SPEEA/IFPTE 2001. Mason-Placek also served on the Center of Excellence’s Advisory Board from 2014 – 2020, providing insight and guidance from the perspective of workers and organized labor.
Chelsea’s commitment to the college system runs deep, said Jason Petrait, Center of Excellence Executive Director. And her understanding of the role Centers of Excellence play in connecting our system to industry and organized labor will serve her well in her new role. Our congratulations go out to her!