Updates on Washington’s 2023 Legislative Session

With last Thursday marking the halfway point of the 2023 Washington State Legislature, it’s time to review some of what the legislature has accomplished so far and where bills of interest to the Center of Excellence stand:

SB 5721
Authorizing a business and occupation tax credit to incentivize private sector investment in advanced aerospace manufacturing training and
education. Referred to Ways & Means.

HB 1013
Establishing regional apprenticeship programs through educational services districts. Passed the house on March 2nd, referred to Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education committee today.

SB 5305
Establishing the office of Career Connect Washington. The bill did not advance out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, but here is a path forward. The Career Connect Washington team has prepared member requests in both the House and Senate that propose to retain the funding associated with the bill and which will direct the Washington Student Achievement Council to coordinate the cross-agency work group and support the ongoing work of Career Connect Washington.

The floor cutoff deadline is set for Wednesday the 8th, marking when bills, unless necessary for a budget, must be passed out of their originating chamber to continue in the legislative process.