2022 Washington Legislature Update for Wednesday, January 26th

Since our update last week, some bills have moved and others have caught our attention. The rundown:

HB 1805 Opportunity Scholarship: Executive Session Wednesday the 26th. The bill includes registered apprenticeships under the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship Program Professional-Technical Degree and Certificate programs.

HB 1536 Establishing regional apprenticeship programs through educational service districts
The House Committee on education will hold an executive session January 28th at 10:00 a.m. Contacts in Olympia share that it is unlikely to move this year and will need more work to come back next year.

SB 5600 Sustainability and expansion of state registered apprenticeship programs

First substitute bill passed the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce and Tribal Affairs Monday the 24th. Referred to Ways & Means. Substitute bill.

SB 5764 Concerning apprenticeships and higher education
The bill requires a study on apprentice access to degrees and that community colleges establish credit or course equivalencies for registered apprenticeship programs. The Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee took action Tuesday, January 25th. Adopted amendments/substitutions can be reviewed here.