Farnborough Day 2 Report

From the Collins Aerospace booth Day 2 of the Farnborough International Airshow brought the largest crowds so far to the show, with attendees battling the heat to engage with cutting-edge aviation and aerospace companies.

Tuesday’s meetings with industry partners echoed Monday, with leaders sharing three broad insights:

  • The past few years have been intensely challenging
  • They have scaled back their workforce to match demand, sometimes cutting staffing by 70%
  • They stand by, prepared to grow with an uptick in aerospace or increased need in related sectors

Many of the most impressive booths promote EVTOL, electric vehicle take-off and landing.

FIA continues through Thursday, with COE Executive Director Jason Petrait on hand to meet with industry, support Washington’s pavilion (Hall 1, Booth 1351, map) and learn more about where aerospace, aviation and advanced manufacturing are headed.