Enlighten Women’s Forum is Just Around the Corner!

Join us for a day of inspiring keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and panel discussions led by women in the construction and energy trades.

The Enlighten Women’s Forum is a convening dedicated to empowering women in the construction and energy trades. This transformative event is designed to foster a sense of Sisterhood through networking, workshops, career planning tools, education opportunities, professional resources, and celebrating the achievements of women in these vital industries.

The theme of this year’s forum, “Energize Your Craft,” embodies the spirit of growth, elevating empowerment and vitality amongst women working in office and field positions throughout the trades. We believe in the power of energy – both personal and professional – to drive progress and innovation in traditionally male-dominated fields. Through shared knowledge, mutual support, and a commitment to sustainability, we aim to energize and elevate the craft of every woman in attendance.

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