Our Next Summit is Almost Here! Pharmacy Supply Chain Preparedness Summit

Join us for a highly anticipated in-person (and Zoom) event at Highline College in Des Moines, WA. The Pharmacy Supply Chain Preparedness Summit is the perfect opportunity for professionals and stakeholders in the pharmaceutical, emergency management, and supply chain industries to come together and discuss strategies and pathways to address emergency situations where access to medications, drug supplies, and healthcare is impacted due to a natural or man-made disaster situation. It is important to establish a way to maintain the supply chain integrity for healthcare access, especially to patients living in rural parts of WA state where an emergency situation
may impact them further. With expert speakers, discussions, and networking opportunities, this summit will equip you with the knowledge and resources to establish and connect pharmacies to community resources to set up an emergency plan to maintain drug supply chain integrity. Participants will include supply chain pharmacies, distributors, and community partners involved in making sure patients get their medications.

This summit can be attended in person or over Zoom. When registering, please indicate how you will be attending as we will be providing food and refreshments, free of charge, to those attending in person.
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