Start Planning For National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week happens November 13-19, and now is the time to start planning your event. This nationwide celebration, established by the U.S. Department of Labor, brings together employers, industry associations, community based organizations, education and others to showcase and celebrate the success and value of Registered Apprenticeship.

Whether it’s rebuilding the economy, advancing racial and gender equity, or building a pipeline to quality jobs, Registered Apprenticeship is recognized as a key strategy to address the nation’s pressing workforce shortages.

This year’s theme is Registered Apprenticeship: Superhighway to Good Jobs and each day during National Apprenticeship Week features a different theme:

  • Monday, November 13: Registered Apprenticeship for Youth
  • Tuesday, November 14: Registered Apprenticeship in New and Emerging Industries
  • Wednesday, November 15: Expanding Registered Apprenticeship to Underserved Populations
  • Thursday, November 16: Women in Registered Apprenticeship
  • Friday, November 17: Registered Apprenticeship for Veterans and Federal Employees

Washington State boasts some of the leading apprenticeships in the nation, from youth apprenticeships in manufacturing to the concerted focus on including women and people of color as we build out our state’s infrastructure.

Are you hosting an event for National Apprenticeship Week? Register it and get the word out.

Want to see USDOL’s toolkit for the week? Click here.

Want to find an event? See more here.

The Center of Excellence looks forward to supporting National Apprenticeship Week as well as apprenticeships in manufacturing and aerospace throughout the year.