2022 Washington Legislature Update for Thursday, February 3rd

Cutoff dates are fast approaching for bills to pass out of committee. With the countdown on, The Center of Excellence is tracking the following bills:

HB 1805 Opportunity Scholarship: Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations on Friday, February 4th at 10:00 AM. The bill includes registered apprenticeships under the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship Program Professional-Technical Degree and Certificate programs.

SB 5600 Sustainability and expansion of state registered apprenticeship programs

Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM Friday, February 4th. Schedule, agenda and documents.

SB 5764 Concerning apprenticeships and higher education The bill requires a study on apprentice access to degrees and that community colleges establish credit or course equivalencies for registered apprenticeship programs. The bill was referred to Ways & Means on January 26th.

HB 5789: Creating the Washington career and college pathways innovation challenge program Our friends over at Washington STEM share, The Career and College Pathways Innovation Challenge Program is in the Governor’s budget for $50 million over 3 years. The bill will establish the fund and details how the grant program would be set up to increase postsecondary enrollment and close equity gaps. The bill was referred to Ways & Means on January 28th.