Presenting to the Washington School Counselors Association

On Thursday, March 2nd Center of Excellence Executive Director Jason Petrait joined Advisory Chair Wes Allen, Director of the Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center, to present to school counselors on apprenticeship. Titled Understanding Apprenticeship to Advise Students for Their Future Goals,

the pair talked through the basics of apprenticeship, the benefits of entering apprentices and the challenges young people face entering the world of work.

As part of the Washington School Counselors Association’s annual convening, more than 50 school counselors attended the breakout session to learn more, ask questions, and share their experiences in guiding their students to apprenticeships in construction and manufacturing. At the close of the presentation, attendees received The Counselor’s Guide to Apprenticeship, a new document to help counselors with the background and resources needed to assist in guiding students into apprenticeship.

Lee Carter from the Northwest Carpenters Institute joined Jason and Wes with a presentation on pre-apprenticeships for carpenters, providing a construction industry perspective on how to navigate the world of construction apprenticeships.

The Center of Excellence thanks Wes and Sno-Isle for the invite, and Lee and the Carpenters for helping make this a successful presentation.