2022 Year In Review

With 2022 coming to a close, we’re looking back on a year full of events, innovations, and partnerships for the Center of Excellence. Onward and upward in 2023!

In January, ZeroAvia announced their move to Paine Field, bringing research and development expertise to hydrogen-electric propulsion.

PNAA held their Advance conference, their first in person in two years, in Lynnwood in February. Highlights included the announcement that Nikki Malcolm had been named permanent CEO of PNAA and Sekisui’s presentation on day 2.

March saw The Boeing Company commit $2 million to support humanitarian response in Ukraine.

The Center of Excellence highlighted the Seattle World Cruiser Project in April, with Executive Director Jason Petrait interviewing Diane Dempster on the amazing story of flights around the world in the 1920s, and Diane and her team’s quest to rebuild the plane and fly it. Later in April, Jason spoke at the Seattle European American Air Forum, highlighting the importance of our community college system to ensure employers have the workforce of today and tomorrow.

The Center of Excellence celebrated AMT Day on May 24th and staff and Advisory members attended PNAA’s exceptional Women In Aerospace conference in June. Also that month, the Center of Excellence, in partnership with Everett Community College’s avionics department, held a DACUM (Developing A Curriculum) session for Avionics Technicians, bringing together employers to better understand the occupation and industry need. Read the full DACUM report here.

The 2022 Farnborough International Airshow took over July, with Executive Director Jason Petrait meeting with more than a dozen industry representatives during the week. Read his day 1 report, day 2 report, and day 3 report.

In August, Everett Community College President Dr. Darrell Cain visited the college’s Aviation department to congratulate new AMT graduates. Dr. Cain toured the facility and spoke with students, reflecting on their hard work, dedication and connection to the college.

In partnership with PNAA and AJAC, the Center of Excellence co-hosted a job fair in September, with more than 35 jobseekers and a dozen employers on hand.
Also in September, Jason attended the Aviation Technician Education Council’s annual D.C. fly-in, where he met with aides from Patty Murray and staffers from the House Aviation Subcommittee. He and colleagues shared insight on the importance of streamlining FAA rules to allow easier entry for veterans into aircraft maintenance careers.

Friday, October 7th, marked Manufacturing Day, and the Center of Excellence, in partnership with INWAC and the Spokane Valley Chamber, hosted 25 area juniors and seniors as they visited local manufacturers. Read more and see the video from the day here.

Later in October, Jason attended the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technical Education conference in Washington D.C. In September, Jason was named the Principal Investigator for NSF’s Building Equity for Aerospace Training grant, and the two day conference provided insight into how NSF works and what other PIs are doing around the country. Read the day 1 spotlight and the day 2 highlights.

In November, the Center of Excellence was pleased to announce new Advisory Board Chair Wes Allen, Director of the Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center. Wes brings a wealth of workforce and K-12 experience to the role. Welcome, Wes! November also marked National Apprenticeship Week. Among other events across the state, the Machinists Institute opened its doors and the Center of Excellence co-produced an apprenticeship video presented at the Pacific Northwest Apprenticeship Education Conference.

Closing out the year in December, the Center of Excellence hosted an Aerospace Workforce System Coordination event, bringing together aerospace industry trade groups, community colleges, labor and apprenticeships, state agencies, K-12, and other partners to reacquaint one another with grants and projects, all through the lens of future partnerships and growing our sector.

2022 was a busy year, full of new opportunities and partnerships. We look forward to more in 2023.